Photo of a smiling patient

3 New Year Resolutions For Oral Health

3 New Year Resolutions For Oral Health 

Happy New Year to you, our fabulous patients! It's that time of year again when people focus on committing to their New Year resolutions and goals for the year. Most people focus on basic goals like working out more, learning a new language, or traveling to new places. But, have you considered including your oral health into the mix? 

We know you already know you need to brush and floss daily to keep up with your healthy smile. We won't bore you with those details (today)! We do, however, have 3 New Year resolutions for your oral health that we at Deliz Dental Studio encourage you to include in your 2024 New Year Resolutions. We don't want to tooth our own horn, but we promise you will want to stick with these resolutions way past February! 

1) Cut back on snacking  

Listen, we are all guilty of occasionally sneaking a few snacks throughout the day. Eating three well-balanced meals daily instead of snacking here and there is far better for your teeth and overall general health. It may seem harmless to snack, but what we eat, particularly sugary, starchy foods, can cause a lot of damage to our oral health. These foods are fueled with the power to cause plaque buildup that can lead to tooth decay, cavities, or tartar, which can cause gum disease. No bueno!

Want to know what snacks to avoid? We are so glad you asked! Foods like potato chips, candy, ice (yes, ice!), carbonated drinks, and dried fruits are some of the most common culprits. Next time you pick up those Flamin' Hot Cheetos, think again. Although we love those orange sticks of goodness, the starch turns into sugar and gets trapped in your teeth, leading to that icky plaque we talked about. Love those crunchy little ice cubes from your fave fast food joint? Forget about it! Chewing on ice can lead to dental damage like chipped teeth or cause increased sensitivity to hot and cold leaving you prone to cavities and tooth decay. Go for shaved ice instead! 

If you are hankering for a snack, try to reach for healthier options like celery, carrots, apples, dairy, nuts, etc. Now, that is smart snacking. Your teeth will thank you, and so will your dentist! Wink, wink. 

2) Incorporate vitamins and minerals into your diet 

Properly brushing and flossing your teeth are not the only things that benefit your teeth and gums! There are plenty of vitamins and minerals you can take to boost your oral health. Some examples include calcium, to prevent gum disease and maintain strong teeth and zinc, to fight bacteria. Your teeth are just as important as the rest of your body, so a vitamin-rich diet is crucial! 

Other beneficial vitamins include calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B. Did you know calcium strengthens your tooth's enamel and helps fight off erosion and cavities? Pass on over that charcuterie board, please. Similarly, phosphorus helps the body absorb and use calcium and strengthens teeth by protecting and rebuilding enamel. 

Incorporating meat, milk, whole grains, fish, or protein-rich foods is a great way to add phosphorus to your diet. Other benefits include Vitamin A for saliva production (think orange vegetables), potassium for bone density (think bananas and potatoes), and Vitamin B for oral inflammation (think fish or beef). If you're feeling extra spicy, liver and other organ meats are packed with Vitamin B! Liver and onions, anyone?! 

If you cannot get all of these excellent vitamins and minerals through your daily diet, supplements are always an option. Just make sure to always talk with a doctor before starting any supplements! Please and thank you. 

3) Enhance your Smile 

The last, and maybe our favorite resolution, is enhancing your smile this year! Cosmetic dentistry, like teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, Invisalign®, and clear aligners/invisible braces, not only improves your oral health but also boosts your confidence. At Deliz Dental Studio, we offer it all! 

Always wanted veneers? We've got you covered! Veneers provide a brighter smile by correcting discoloration and misalignment, are easy to maintain, and are a natural-looking solution. 

Never wore your retainer like you were supposed to? We're not judging! Pursuing orthodontic treatments like Invisalign® or clear aligners helps straighten and align your teeth and promotes a healthier smile. With proper spacing, you can clean and floss your teeth much easier, making them less likely to develop decay. Lucky for you we are currently running a special promotion for our patients. $1,000 off clear aligners! You heard us. Run, don't walk to our site to book an appointment today! 

If you follow these resolutions, we promise you will achieve a brighter and more confident smile! Have some questions? No problem! Schedule an appointment on our website or give us a call at 813-755-1800. We want to see you in 2024! 


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